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Halfmann's Used Autos LLP



Entity Number 000-580-167

Register Number000580167

Status Exists

NameHalfmann's Used Autos LLP


Date of registration 07 Jul 2019 (5 years ago)

Legal typeDomestic Limited Liability Partnership

Principal Address 728 Sims CircleDelta, AL 36258

Principal Address ZIP code 36258

Principal Mailing Address 79 Gay AvenueLineville, AL 36266

Principal Mailing Address ZIP code 36266

Registered Office Street Address 85815 HWY. 9ASHLAND, AL 36251

Registered Office Street Address ZIP code 36251

Activities To sell used vehicles to the public


Name Role

Halfmann, Cynthia J


Date of last update: 14 Aug 2024

Sources: Alabama Secretary of State