Name: | McCurdy Transport Co. |
Jurisdiction: | Alabama |
Legal type: | Domestic Corporation |
Status: | Merged |
Date of registration: | 01 Apr 1964 (61 years ago) (Companies founded in April 1964) |
Entity Number: | 000-702-753 |
Register Number: | 000702753 |
Place of Formation: | Madison County |
Principal Address: | HUNTSVILLE, AL |
Authorized Capital: | $10,000. |
Paid Share Capital: | $6,000. |
Name | Role |
VAN DYKE, ROBERT H | Incorporator |
VAN DYKE, EARL B | Incorporator |
MCCURDY, SAMIE | Incorporator |
Date of last update: 15 Aug 2024
Sources: Alabama Secretary of State